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Privacy policy Update

hello. This is Kfashion82.

As of August 1, 2023, some of the contents of our Privacy Policy have been revised, and we would like to inform you as follows.


1. privacy policy revisions

  - Common

    ㄴ Changes in terminology to unify terms used with the Terms of Use


  - Article 2 Personal Information Collection Items and Collection Methods

    ㄴ Notification of changes in personal information collection items and retention and use periods


  - Article 3 Retention and use period of personal information

    ㄴ Delete paragraph 4 according to the period of retention and use of personal information


  - Article 4 Procedures and methods for destroying personal information

    ㄴ Change paragraph 1 according to the period of retention and use of personal information


  - Article 5 Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

    ㄴ Change the purpose of providing personal information and the information provided


  - Article 7 Deletion of operation and utilization of cookies (COOKIE)

  - Article 9 Installation, operation and rejection of automatic personal information collection devices

  - Article 11 Newly established personal information protection of children


If you do not indicate your refusal (withdrawal of membership) by the revision date, you will be deemed to have agreed to this Privacy Policy.

Shinsegae Department Store will continue to strive to make your shopping experience more enjoyable and comfortable.

Thank you.

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